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 Büyük önder Mustafa Kemal  Atatürk’ü 9.Ordu Müfettişi (Mirliva) olarak kurmayları ile birlikte İstanbul’dan Samsun’a getiren Bandırma Vapuru Bağımsız Türkiye Cumhuriyetine giden yolda çok önemli bir görev yaparak tarihdeki yerini almıştır.


bandirma vapur samsun atatürk bandırma


Görüşler (5)

Utkan Celik

It is the exact replica of the ship that Atatürk sailed in. So make sure you know that it is a replica. It is bolted on concrete, meaning the ship is not on the water. You have to pay 2 Turkish Lira, which is fairly cheap, to have the privilege of getting on the ship, but it is really hard to move around the ship. Since the ship is the exact replica of the original one, the steps and walkways on the ship is quite steep and narrow. İt is almost dangerous for the elderly and young kids to enter and exit the ship.

6 yıl önce


Was noice. But it could be better. :P

5 yıl önce

Gül Licht

The garden is really well organized. The ship is not the real one but it looks nice. Mega cheap, only 1 lira to visit. We had not so much time, otherwise I would like to stay more.

6 yıl önce

Semih Gökcek

It's a great museum where you can learn a lot about the turkish history.

6 yıl önce

ozzi karacan

Awesome place bit of history

5 yıl önce

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