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Meryem Kilisesi, Theotokos (Meryem) adına yapılmış Efes, İzmir'de bulunan antik bir Hıristiyan katedrali. Hıristiyanlık'ın tarihinde önenmli yere sahip iki konsilin burada toplanmış olduğuna inaılması sebebi ile Konsiller Kilisesi olarak da bilinir.

Kilisenin yapım tarihinin Birinci Efes Konsili'nin veya 431 yılında toplanan 3. Ekümenik konsilinin tarihi ile uyuşacak şekilde 5. yüzyılın başlarında olduğuna inanılır. Son arkeolojik kazılar ise kilisenin 3. yüzyılda terkedilen bir Roma bazilikasının kalıntıları üzerine inşa edildiğini göstermiştir. 500 tarihlerinde ise kilise devasa bir katedral olacak şekilde genişletilmiştir.


The Church of Mary (Turkish: Meryem Kilisesi) is an ancient Christian cathedral dedicated to the Theotokos (The Virgin Mary), located in Ephesus (near present-day Selçuk in Turkey). It is also known as the Church of the Councils because two councils of importance to the history of Early Christianity are assumed to have been held within. The church is located in the south stoa of the Olympieion (Temple of Hadrian Olympios) next to the harbor of Ephesus.

The church is dated to the early 5th century, coinciding with the Council of Ephesus, the third Ecumenical council in 431, suggesting that it may have been built specifically for that Third Ecumenical Council, during which the title of Theotokos for the Mother of Christ was declared Orthodox. The latest archaeological evidence suggests that the church was built on the ruins of an earlier Roman basilica-like building abandoned around the 3rd century, known as the "Hall of the Muses".Around 500, the church was expanded into a monumental cathedral, whose apse and pillars partially still stand today on the site.

The church served as a cathedral and was the seat of the Bishop of Ephesus throughout Late Antiquity.


meryem ana kilisesi konsül kilisesi kilise çifte kiliseler hristiyanlık konsül toplantısı


Görüşler (5)

Karim Butt

Technically a part of the open air museum, but you have to take a 10 minute detour from the main Ephesus "city" to get there. I would definitely recommend visiting this place as it is offroads and not often packed with tourists. You can enjoy the quiteness and play with this cat that lives there.

5 yıl önce

Ree Ba Gra

The history of this place speaks for itself so I recommend you to read the history of Ephesus before going to this place...and don't forget the museum and Temple of Artemis..

5 yıl önce

Leon Mellett

I would bot describe the Church of Mary as the highlight of our visit to Ephesus, but certainly worth the visit if time allows.

5 yıl önce

Rani Djoeir

The Ancient Church of Mary is a bit of the beaten path inside Ephesus. When walking towards the exit, there is a track on the left which leads to there. It is definitely worth the visit. Don’t forget your sneakers/trekking shoes.

5 yıl önce

Les Le

PLEASE DO NOT HIT LIKE. The Glorious HOPE Mysteries Rosary. Part 1. C: (PRAY on Friday or Saturday only) ————————————————————— C. FAITH of God: A. Meditation: The FAITH of God (Keep God Commandments) “And God spoken all these words, saying, I AM the Lord thy God…” 1. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image in worship 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy 5. Honor thy father and thy mother 6. Thou shalt not kill 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery 8. Thou shalt not steal 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor 10. Thou shalt not covet (Exodus 20) Note: ———————————————————————————- 1. We combined the First and Second into First Commandment, we do not worship statues and idols, we honoring with remembering the Saints and Angels in God’s Name and His Image that Present. 2. We, Catholic expands the 10 Commandment into two; Nine and Ten Commandments, which are; 9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. ————————————————————————————— B. Pray One Our Father. C. Pray the Act of FAITH My God of Compassion with firm in FAITH, I truly believe that You are One God in Three Divine Persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. From beginning, the Father of Creator has blessed us with the foundation of FAITH. Your Divine Son had come down became Man and died for our sins, to glorify Your LOVE to all mankind; on that day, He will come to judge all things accordingly to Your Will. I also believe in the truth works of repentant and the truth prayer from soul on our salvation, with the help of Your Holy Spirit to guide and leading us to Your Glorious Hope to come. Amen.

6 yıl önce

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